Staff Wellness
Good health and peak physical condition is something we all hope for, frequently aspire to, and less frequently achieve. From the perspective of business, who wouldn't want staff who are at the top of their game? The benefits don't just include fewer sick days, but more productivity, better individual performance and better output across all aspects of a business. But it is something that has been notoriously difficult to achieve, on all levels.
If the reasons for this lack of success were clear, or the solution was simple we wouldn't be raising it and you probably wouldn't have clicked on this page. At Safe Hands we believe the way forward isn't as unclear or difficult as it has seemed. What staff need is good quality information about health issues, a clear understanding of where they are and where they need to be, and both a plan for how to achieve those goals, alongside the required level of ongoing motivation and support.
It isn't uncommon for a workplace to invest in further training so that staff can develop new skills or capacities in relation to job specific tasks. What is much less common is business investing in training that allows employees to gain a greater understanding of their health and their bodies. At a basic level, our bodies are just another tool that determines whether or not we can get a job done. Our bodies don't come with an instruction manual and they do become less reliable over time. Like any machine, they do break down and sometimes they can't be fixed. Unlike a machine, replacement is not an option. Investing in staff wellbeing at an early stage makes sense for both the organisation and the individual.
This where Safe Hands can help. We are experienced helping people to identify health risk factors, in providing good quality health information, referring people onto Health Care professionals where appropriate, and providing exercise and lifestyle advice that is structured to suit an individual's needs. We are also good at monitoring people, motivating them, and helping them to reach the goals they are looking to achieve.
Some of the successful programs Safe Hands have been involved in include Warm-up for Work programs, team weight loss programs, social sporting programs, and discomfort mapping programs.
Contact us to discuss the range of ways we can help not only your staff to achieve better health outcomes, but for this in turn to allow your business to be capable of performing at its peak.